Thursday, July 25, 2013

Fending for decent coffee

Blogger's Note:

It's recently crossed my mind that I started this blog last fall to document my travels, but have not actually used it for that purpose very often. I mostly use blogs to type out super deep revelations or things that I am sifting through.

It's also crossed my mind that I don't take the time to update this blog very often.

So I would like to begin posting more regularly and to stop over-thinking what I post. My goal is to post every Thursday morning at 11am (Mountain) on this blogsite, to keep my friends and family updated on my whereabouts. And now, this week's post begins:

It's no secret that I love coffee. I advertise it all over the internet and wear clothing endorsing coffee consumption.

When I traveled for 2 months on an Outreach with YWAM Denver, I decided it was my personal goal to make sure my teammates and I had coffee (at least every once in awhile) before we even left Colorado.

Well, for the past few weeks, I have been living in Colorado, no longer officially affiliated with YWAM. I know, I know, "Once a YWAMer, always a YWAMer," but the fact remains that my life has changed quite a bit since graduating from my last school.

One big change is that I now have to buy all my own coffee, rather than having it available at the base 24/7.

Well, last Monday, I suddenly realized my coffee supplies were dwindling and that I really did not have extra cash to purchase more. So I decided to simply use my credit card. I mean, it IS for emergencies, right?

But when I was at the grocery story, surveying the cheapest possible options, I felt like I should wait to buy coffee.

We in YWAM-Land would say, "The Holy Spirit stopped me from buying coffee!"

Well needless to say, I fought it. I mean, is it really that big of a deal?

Look here, sir, there's tons of coffee in that Safeway container of Columbian blend. DO YOU REALIZE HOW LONG THAT COULD LAST ME??

Well, the Holy Spirit actually started answering me in the middle of the grocery store, and He said,

"I have something better than that for you."

So what did I do? I kept fighting of course! The coffee was right there in front of me. Why would it hurt me to just take it home?

But in the end, I decided to be *kind of* trusting and walked away, praying,

"Ok, God, I'm giving you one more day. But if I don't have coffee by tomorrow I'm coming back here and charging that huge-ass thing of Safeway coffee."

Not the most polite thing I've prayed, but I'm pretty sure I was suffering from some withdrawal. ;)

Well, the next day (Tuesday) a friend of mine invited me over for a Bible study and sleep over, so I had all the coffee I wanted at her house that night and the following morning.

On Thursday, the girl I am currently staying with offered me half of her carafe of coffee in the morning, in addition to the the very last cup I had brewed with a camping tool that filters one individual cup [see instructional video below].

So I got up the next morning and decided to go to the Friday morning worship meeting at the YWAM base, as it's open for visitors, and decided that even if I didn't get any coffee at all that day, I would still choose to have a good attitude and worship God and stuff.

After worship, a friend texted me, asking if I wanted to work an odd job the next day for $40. I said, "Yeah!" and she came and payed me in advance. I suddenly got the urge to go to Starbucks.

So I thought, "I could get a friend, have a good drink at Starbucks today and then go buy that thing of Safeway coffee for awhile."

Well, God spoke to me again, saying, "No, Angie. Go to Starbucks and buy a bag of coffee."

Guess He did have something else better in mind..haha.


Well, of course, I had to Instagram my Pike Place roast with soy milk (which I was also able to afford to buy) in celebration! It seems a small thing, but it really is nice to have decent coffee for a prolonged period of time.

I hope you like my story and don't think I am a crazy person. I mostly just wanted to tell a story about life's small struggles. Because sometimes, there are lessons in silly things.

Like I mentioned earlier, this is a video my sister and I made a few years ago about making coffee while "camping" in her apartment in Oregon. Enjoy!

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